

Zum Kennenlernen der anderen Kolleg*innen aus vielen europäischen Ländern lädt ARTSCENICO seine Mitglieder zu einem englischsprachigen Online Jour Fixe ein. ARTSCENICO ist der europäische Dachverband für Kostümbild und Szenenbild und wir, der VdRSD, ist auch ein Mitglied von ARTSCENICO.

Unser Thema ist: 

Working Conditions in the European Art - and Costume Department and solutions of improvement 

Due to its importance we’d like to offer the stage and hear some more voices from different countries than last time.
On OJF#2 we want to focus our discussions more around team constellations for respective projects in relation to prep times and working hours, as well as overtime.

In so-called ‚lightning-talks‘ representatives from different countries will tell us about their experiences to allow a general overview of their nationa workinmg conditions.
After that we’ll open the discussion to all attendants and really look forward to your richly diverse contributions.
We hope that many interested people will take the time to participate in stimulating and inspiring conversations.

If you hear about the situation in the different European countries you will find out that it’s not only in your country, that the work condition for the Art and Costume Department are often still quite hard. Many working hours, not enough team / employees, no assistance and so on. 
ARTSCENICO likes to offer the possibility to have an exchange between the European countries, share experiences and get to know eachother. Our focus on these Zoom conferences is to empower the participants, help them to gain new ideas how to foster better working conditions and not only having to complain. ...Let’s face the problems in exchanging solutions.

We want to give an overview of how working conditions are in the European countries.

Wenn Du Fragen hast, melde Dich direkt hier: ojf(at)artscenico.com 

Als Mitglied des VdRSD hast Du die Einladung mit dem Registrierungslink per Mail erhalten.
Wichtig: da wir nur eine begrenzte Teilnehmer*innen -Zahl haben, gilt das Motto: first comes, first serves.


Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn wir uns auch auf europäischer Ebene begegnen können.

